Monday, May 26, 2008

Bréf frá Nouriu um krakkana okkar

Yemeni Education & Relief منظمة التعليم والإغاثة اليمنية البريطانية
Organisation (YERO شارع المدرسة الفنية
ALFANNEYA Street مبنى رقم 2 2
HOUSE NO22 HADDA صنعاء - الجمهورية اليمنية
Sana’a ص.ب:4785
Republic Of Yemen تلفون: 473377
Tel:473377 البريد الإلكتروني:

24th May 2008

Dear sponsors

We thank you for your continuous support for the children to continue their studies and we would like to inform you that this week was the last week for the children to attend the center. They are going now through their examinations at their government schools.

However, the center will still be open for those who need help in any school subjects that they may feel they are not competent with.

As usual, we would be looking forward for the summer activities; the outgoings, the distribution of gifts to all children and the results of their exams. We hope all of them will do well in their exams and be promoted to higher grades. We will also distribute school uniforms, bags, shoes and school supplies at the end of our summer activates which will be at the end of August .

Although the children will be on holiday, but the computer students (IT) and sewing classes will be open as usual. (Twice a week). We thank you again for all your kindness and we will report to you about our summer activities and the school results in the new school year coming which in September 2008.

Bless you all.
With Kind Regards

Nouria Nagi

Barst þetta bréf frá Nouriu um helgina. Hópurinn sem fer til Jemen n.k. fimmtudag mun engu að síður fara í miðstöðina og vonandi hitta sín börn og etv. einhver fleiri og trúlega konurnar á sauma og fullorðinsfræðslunámskeiðinu.
Flestir hafa nú fengið kort frá sínum börnum, aðrir fá kortin þegar ég kem úr seinni ferðinni eins og áður hefur verið sagt frá.

Bið þá sem ætla að koma til mín kortum eða einhverju smálegu til krakkanna að gera það í dag(setja bara inn um póstkassa ef ég er ekki við) eða leggja inn á reikninginginn 1151 15 551212 kt. 1402403979.

Ég hef ekki enn fengið vegabréfsupplýsingar um alla Sýrlandsfara. Ekki hafa allir heldur lokið við að greiða inn á Líbíuferðir skv. plani. Ekki orð um það meir.

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