Fékk þetta bréf og myndir frá Nouriu núna áðan og Vera aðstoðartæknistjóri snaraði því inn á síðuna. Eins og sjá má er líf í tuskunum hjá krökkunum og mikil gleði.Ég vona að fleiri greiði fyrir sín börn eða láti mig vita hvernig þeir hyggjast borga.
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Okkur vantar ENN um 18 stuðningsmenn auk ofangreindra upplýsinga. Skólaárið er senn að hefjast og mér finnst verulega leitt ef við getum ekki stutt þau 133 börn sem við styrktum í fyrra. En þakkir til þeirra sem gefið hafa sig fram.
Vil rétt í leiðinni minna Egyptalandsfara á fundinn 17.ágúst kl 17,30 og óskað eftir að allir mæti. Vinsamlegast verið búin að gera upp fyrir þann tíma, allir hafa fengið greiðsluáætlun. Ef hún hefur misfarist þá láta mig vita. Ég þarf að senda greiðslu út til Egyptalands eftir helgi og alveg á nippinu að nægilega mikið sé komið inn.
Á fundinum 17.ág fá allir áætlun og farþegalista, svo og töskuspjöld og merkingarborða.
Hér er svo bréfið frá Nouriu og myndirnar:
Dear sponsors,
Firstly, we would like to thank you all for your great support. Here are the activities that you have helped to support.

End of the school year party
This summer is particularly colourful. A big celebration marked the end of the school year and the successful completion of the course. Children performed plays and songs and gifts were distributed to all.

The summer activities are still on; it’s an opportunity for all children to participate and take an interest in arts and handicrafts to pursue their hobby during their spare time. Children are given all the necessary tools to express their talent.

To maintain an educational oriented facility, YERO has allocated 2 hours of English class daily in the morning to try and refresh their conversational skills. The classes mainly consist of games and vocabulary.

Trip to Shibam
During the summer, YERO organized the annual trip to Shibam. The main goal was to release the stress the children had accumulated during the school year. We left the center at 7:30 am with 2 big buses and a minivan. After a tiring adventure in the mountains, we set up a picnic in a small field. Everyone ate lunch and thereafter participated in several games such as, tennis, football, American football, rope pulling, and even donkey riding. Several boys and girls relaxed in tents or in the nearby shades.

Friendly Football matches
Several boys and girls were invited to the British Club in Sana’a to participate, for the 1st time in Sana’a, to a friendly football match with the British Embassy staff and several dignitaries from the German Embassy. They then participated in a barbecue that was organized by the club.

Sarkhat Shabab (The voice of the youth)
A new activity has opened up to the teenagers at YERO. An outside Arabic group created a link with YERO. The group is made up of teenagers in Yemen that promotes social, cultural religious and educational values among today’s youth. The teenagers had a workshop at the center, organized by the groups. Discussions about their future, their hobbies, and their problems were the center of the talk. Games were also played and lunch was prepared by the group. This is also the first time that a youth gathering group has linked to YERO. It was also an opportunity for several teenagers to express themselves to each others.

Women’s workshop
Since this is the time for 1st times, the children’s mother at YERO also had a workshop for the 1st time with a Gynecologist. The seminar consisted of a question and answers after an advice lesson on birth hygiene. It was then followed by a small gathering/party.

Until we meet next year with a new summer activities, we thank you all for the continuous support to these children and their families, without your support, these projects would have never taken place.

Sincerely yours,
Nouria Nagi
YERO’s Director
With the compliments of YERO’s staff & all the children

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